Arapaho is considering a vote on whether or not to do away with Daylight Savings Time. As a critic of the custom, I mostly hope they do it. I say “mostly” because, while it would be nice to do away with spring forward and have earlier sunrises, it would also be decidedly inconvenient if Arapaho did it alone. That would mean that every time we crossed state lines, we would have to deal with a time change. We go to Deseret and Shoshona periodically. More importantly, though, the last time we flew, we flew out of Deseret and decided that it might be more advantageous to drive five hours to the major airport to get a non-stop flight versus driving a couple hours to Alexandria (Arapaho) and making a two-legged flight. It’s pretty easy to imagine us forgetting that Deseret is an hour ahead of us and missing a flight.

Most likely, the vote will fail. Apparently it has been proposed before. They nipped and tucked it this time around to satisfy some of the objections (Shouldn’t the people get to vote? What if the federal government mandates DST?). But I’m a proud citizen of one of the few states applying scrutiny to this DST madness.

Category: Statehouse

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7 Responses to Daylight Misers

  1. Peter says:

    Time zone trivia: states bordering the Atlantic Ocean are on Eastern Time while states bordering the Pacific Ocean are on Pacific Time, and there is a three-hour difference between the two time zones. Yet it is possible to travel from an Atlantic-bordering state to a Pacific-bordering state with only a one-hour time difference. Answer below.

    The Florida panhandle around Pensacola is in Central Time, while part of eastern Oregon is in Mountain Time.

  2. Kevin says:

    I never realized how much I hate daylight-savings time until I had kids. The hour change, twice a year, makes a huge impact on their sleep schedules. Plus, studies have shown a spike in serious on-the-job industries during the period immediately after we lose an hour in the spring. Plus, any savings in using fewer electric lights are offset by the increased cost of air-conditioning (i.e., you crank up the A/C an hour later than you otherwise would). Good for your state. I hope you succeed.

  3. Maria says:

    I also loathe DST. I feel depressed and disoriented for several weeks after they do it.

  4. Mike Hunt says:

    You sound like a bunch of senior citizens.

    After I change my clocks, should I get off of your lawn as well?

    Maria: I feel depressed and disoriented for several weeks after they do it.

    Several weeks?!? You should seek professional help.

  5. trumwill says:

    Peter, I knew that one, actually! Having had some exposure to both states. Otherwise, I most assuredly wouldn’t have.

    Kevin, I’ve heard that teachers really hate it. And I think some studies demonstrate an uptick in auto accidents, as well. Other studies have shown that making young people get up earlier impedes learning.

    Maria, I actually adjust to it reasonably well. The big thing for me is that human beings best wake up to daylight. Even when I can, I don’t typically sleep in all that late. Cause… the sun… it’s what getting up is for. DST messes with that.

    Mike, since old people tend to be earlier risers, theoretically they would want daylight savings all year round.

  6. Maria says:

    Several weeks?!? You should seek professional help.

    It’s a normal reaction to the disruption of circadian rhythms.

  7. Nanani says:

    We don’t have DST where I live, but it still impacts my life not only for travel but also for planning any sort of synched communication (phone and Skype) with my friends and family elsewhere.

    Half the year, it’s impossible to find a non-weekend mutually available time.

    I’d rather the whole world did away with changing time and just re-adjusted their time zones if needed.

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