-{Family Tree: Kelsey is my sister-in-law. Sadie is my neice. Bill is my father.}-

Kelsey: Here is the cookie dough Bill ordered from Sadie’s cookie sales.

Mom: Bill ordered cookie dough?

-{Ten Minutes Later}-

Mom: Bill, Kelsey dropped off the cookie dough you ordered for Sadie’s preschool. I didn’t know you ordered cookie dough. You want me to make cookies?

Dad: {shrug} I thought I was ordering cookies. But mostly, I was just ordering what Sadie was supposed to be selling.

-{Five Minutes Later]-

Me: I think I am going to get myself some of that cookie dough.

Mom: You can’t. It’s in the freezer and I don’t make cookies on demand.

Me: I was just going to have some dough.

Mom: You can’t eat dough without the cookies.

Me: Why not?

Mom: You’re not supposed to. It’s bad for you.

Me: I don’t think it’s any worse for you than cookies. And it tastes good. Ice cream companies spent lots of money replicating the taste for chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream.

Mom: Yeah, but that’s not actual cookie dough. Besides, I have plans for that dough.

Me: Plans? You didn’t even know you were getting it until fifteen minutes ago!

Mom: Yeah, but I’m going to make cookies. Besides, we’re eating dinner shortly.

Me: You really just don’t want me to eat any of that cookie dough, do you?

Mom: Cookie dough was meant to be cooked.

Category: Kitchen

About the Author

8 Responses to Cookie Dough is Yummy

  1. Maria says:

    Hah! My mom warned against eating raw cookie dough too. I suck some behind her back when I was a kid, and ate it guiltily, and I was sure I was going to drop dead momentarily.

    The mom phobia about raw cookie dough IS reasonable though: the eggs in the dough aren’t cooked, and raw eggs can be a lot more problematical to eat than cooked ones.

  2. stone says:

    “Mom: You can’t. It’s in the freezer and I don’t make cookies on demand.”

    I do.

    But it’s annoying having someone poking around in your kitchen messing up your carefully planned concoctions. And Maria’s right, there is salmonella to worry about. I still let Toddler Tone lick the beaters though.

  3. trumwill says:

    But it’s annoying having someone poking around in your kitchen messing up your carefully planned concoctions.

    Sure. And if she’d really had plans for it, I would have immediately deferred. But she’d only just found out that she was getting it.

    Regarding the raw eggs… meh. One of the good things about cookie dough is that I am disinclined to eat very much of it. It’s an odd combination of super-enticing without being addictive. The best kind of treat!

  4. stone says:

    That prepackaged cookie dough may be pasteurized, come to think of it.

  5. Mike Hunt says:

    Family Tree: Kelsey is my sister-in-law. Sadie is my neice. Bill is my father.

    I doubt any of that is true. 😛

  6. trumwill says:

    Well no. Pseudonyms and all that. 🙂

  7. Mike Hunt says:

    Maria: I suck some behind her back when I was a kid

    Freudian slip?

  8. Maria says:

    No, just poor proof-reading skills. Should be “I snuck some behind her back. . .”

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