Category Archives: Espresso

Daughter Explains Brutal Obituary She Wrote For Her Father | GOOD

At a young age, Leslie quickly became a model example of bad parenting combined with mental illness and a complete commitment to drinking, drugs, womanizing and being generally offensive. Leslie enlisted to serve in the Navy, but not so much in a brave & patriotic way but more as part of a plea deal to escape sentencing on criminal charges. While enlisted, Leslie was the Navy boxing champion and went on to sufficiently embarrass his family and country by spending the remainder of his service in the Balboa Mental Health Hospital receiving much needed mental healthcare services.

Category: Espresso

Category: Espresso

Sir Humphrey: Unfortunately, although the answer was indeed clear, simple, and straightforward, there is some difficulty in justifiably assigning to it the fourth of the epithets you applied to the statement, inasmuch as the precise correlation between the information you communicated and the facts, insofar as they can be determined and demonstrated, is such as to cause epistemological problems, of sufficient magnitude as to lay upon the logical and semantic resources of the English language a heavier burden than they can reasonably be expected to bear.
Hacker: Epistemological — what are you talking about?
Sir Humphrey: You told a lie.
Hacker: A lie?
Sir Humphrey: A lie.
Hacker: What do you mean, a lie?
Sir Humphrey: I mean you… lied. Yes, I know this is a difficult concept to get across to a politician. You… ah yes, you did not tell the truth.
Hacker: You mean we are bugging Hugh Halifax’s telephones?
Sir Humphrey: We were.
Hacker: We were? When did we stop?
Sir Humphrey: [checks his watch] Seventeen minutes ago.

Category: Espresso

Category: Espresso

I’m watching The Man in the High Castle right now, and am mid-way through the second season. (No spoilers offered here.) The really wicked thing about it is not that it’s a What If involving the Axis winning World War II, but that it puts you in a place where you’re sincerely thinking “Man, I hope Hitler doesn’t die. Everybody needs him to stick around for a while.”

Also, I wish writers would never use the name John Smith again. I know they’re doing it for artistic reasons, but it’s dumb.

Not sure how I feel about turning the show’s namesake from a staid suburbanite into a paranoid crank guy, but Stephen Root is pretty awesome in everything he’s been in.

That’s all for now.

Category: Espresso

The courts, in general, want presidents to have the power to restrict refugees and inflow as they see fit.

They do not, however, want Donald Trump to be able to do this.

Therefore, their reasoning in striking down whatever they can of Trump’s executive order will involve things specific to him such as comments made about it being a Muslim Ban.

Category: Espresso

Category: Espresso

Last night, while I was giving Lain a bath, Lisby the Dog crawled onto Clancy’s lap. We thought that Lisby might be picking up on Clancy being upset about something (it’s been a bad week), but the longer she was there and looking at me, the more I realized that she was not there to comfort Clancy but to seek her protection. From me? No, from a bath. I don’t know where she got the idea that I was going to give her a bath, but I did realize that she really did need one. So she got a bath, and the whole thing became a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Category: Espresso

Well, not just the government. But it played more of a role than I realized.

Category: Espresso

One of the ways in which Law & Order evolved is that in early L&O, Ben Stone might be arguing against some sleazy defense attorney would be trying to argue that his client is not responsible because of violent video games, and in later L&O Jack McCoy might be trying some video game company executive for some customer’s murder under pretty much the same rationale.

Also, a cartoon unrelated to the original observation:

Category: Espresso