signThe populating of the south may not be as much the result of air conditioning as we previously thought. {More}

Adam Ozimek pushes back against the Georgist tax proposals, most recently advocated by Salon and Peter Orzsag.

Go ahead and pick your nose. Just be sure to eat it.

Kristi York Wooten looks at how Atlanta became the backdrop of so many movies.

Is Ireland’s smoking ban causing an industry collapse of pubs?

The degree to which generic drugs are identical to the name brand may be overstated, which is unfortunate in multiple respects.

“Nashville’s district attorney recently banned his staff from using invasive surgery as a bargaining chip, after it became apparent that local attorneys had been using sterilization as part of plea bargains.”

If parental time doesn’t matter when it comes to outcomes, is it a good use of political energy to push for parental leave? Maybe. Or maybe parental time does matter.

I sort of suspect that a good part of the sex ed debate is tribalism and signialling. Maybe because I grew up close enough to millenials that this doesn’t surprise me.

Sue Bell Cobb, former Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, is not happy about what she had to do to get that position. Judicial elections are a really, really bad idea. The topic is explored in John Grisham’s underappreciated novel, The Appeal.

Russian Troll Treasure Trove: Professional Russian trolls get their images from a central clearinghouse.

Category: Newsroom

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6 Responses to Linkluster Pythagorean Proofs

  1. Michael Cain says:

    As lots of other people have noted elsewhere, A/C is an enabling technology. Absent A/C, the growth doesn’t happen; given A/C, other reasons come into play.

    It’s popular these days to talk about California-to-Texas migration. When you dig into the data, though, there’s almost as much Texas-to-California movement (more C-to-T in absolute terms; more T-to-C as a percentage). The net migration between the two is insignificant relative to their populations.

    The five western states of Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington have an aggregate population about the same as Texas. Over the same period when Texas has been bragging about how many Californians moved there, far more Californians moved to those five, with a mix of tax and regulatory policies.

    • Mr. Blue says:

      Perry is more interested in getting employers to move than specific people. There has been some success, though a lot of the tech growth has come from companies setting up satellite offices and then hiring people who moved from Chicago or New Jersey.

    • trumwill says:

      According to the link, the transition started before AC.

  2. Oscar Gordon says:

    Ozimek has a good argument, although I was surprised that people were seriously floating a 100% LVT. I could see placing the bulk of property tax against the LV, but 100% never occurred to me.

  3. fillyjonk says:

    I had an aunt (who was on Medicaid) who had to have a note put in her file that she was NEVER EVER to have a particular generic form of a drug; apparently she was deathly allergic to one of the “inactive ingredients” that was absent from the brand-name stuff.

    I admit, based on this, I’m always leery when my pharmacy wants to bump me from a brand-name on to a generic. (I have some oddly specific allergies too)

    • trumwill says:

      A less dire, but probably less uncommon, problem is that different things work for different people. That’s what drives me crazy about “me too drug” criticisms. If you’re the person for whom the first drug doesn’t work, you really want there to be a “me too”!

      Theoretically generics approach the problem the same way and so there shouldn’t be as many cases where results differ, but it’s a pretty inexact science.

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