Robert O’Connell writes an ode to Just Shoot Me and mediocre sitcoms. Relatedly, Jason Lynch wonders why TV shows peak around Season 3.

The Google Glass is merely the latest entrance into wearable tech that began with… the pocket watch.

Old Urbanist Charlie Gardner writes about mobile homes and the role they can play in increasing density (because anti-density regulations tend to be looser for mobile homes than regular ones).

It takes a village to self-publish.

Laws against texting and driving still don’t work.

Two things I did not know: The Iroquois invented lacrosse… and are a current superpower in the sport.

It’s commonly said that Israel is going to have to play nicely with the Palestinians because of the demographic timebomb. What if that simply isn’t true?

Crime may or may not pay. Low-skill crime increasingly doesn’t.

Ray Fisman says that Sweden’s freefall in the international education testing ratings is proof that school choice is a bad idea. Andrew Coulson begs to differ. A report released by the University of Arkansas gave charter schools great points on cost-effectiveness.

Foreign countries are apparently really frustrated with the American government’s demands at access to bank accounts.

Adam Ozimek takes issue with Mark Bittman’s piece on the “true cost of hamburgers.” Negative externalities is quickly becoming one of the economic terms I am seeing used with increasing sloppiness.

Why do iPhones suddenly start feeling more slow when a new one comes out? (Curiously, it doesn’t happen with Samsung, so it’s not the most obvious answer.)

Annie Murphy Paul says that ed tech promoters are generalizing too much from how they learn. I think this is true, but is also true of the education establishment as well.

Allastair Bonnett has written a book about ghost cities and secret cities that sounds quite interesting.

Bigger cities taking on more aggressive housing expansion policies would be good for the national economy.

On the horizon… self-repairing plastic?

Maureen O’Connor writes about the ethical minefield of “ethnic plastic surgery.”

Meanwhile, in Calgary, the only local fertility clinic refused to allow multi-ethnic inseminations on the grounds of it constituted “designer babies.” Razib Khan response.

Norton A Schwartz and John K Hurley write of the juggernaut that is the American economy.

Most Americans now sufficiently ashamed of drinking soft drinks so as to claiming they try to avoid it.

How Teddy Roosevelt saved football.

Suburban homebuilders are encroaching on urban development.

Should baseball change the rules to account for defensive innovations stiffling offenses?

Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry explains the appeal of Ayn Rand.

Category: Newsroom

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7 Responses to Linkluster 300

  1. Suburban homebuilders are encroaching on urban development.

    I’d argue that the builders are simply hedging their bets and increasing their investment in order to simply maximize their profits. It’s less about attempting to guide social policy, but simply seeking out ways to increase their profits, especially in a somewhat soft real estate market where the existing glut of homes in some markets is depressing prices, and questionable income growth and less liberal credit makes it harder to build expensive traditional suburban housing.

    • trumwill says:

      Credit can work either way. McMansions in the suburbs can cost less than a rowhouse near downtown.

      • McMansions in the suburbs can cost less than a rowhouse near downtown.

        Yes, but your average buyer is still somebody buying in the suburbs. Your urban buyer tends to be an above average purchaser or in the case of some cities, an investor looking to hide money in the US. Making credit more difficult tends to affect the suburban market more when compared to the urban market where it’s mostly high income types in the first place that didn’t have difficulty accessing credit. Arguably, the same could be said for high end exurban housing, but not for low end exurban housing.

        • trumwill says:

          I still tend to think that the credit crunch hits – or would hit – the cities more, generally speaking. The affluent urban purchaser is still more likely to be strapped. But I’m guessing, I will confess.

  2. Laws against texting and driving still don’t work.

    Five points on my license and a $150 fine is enough for me. Plus, quite frankly, my driving is so subpar when I’m texting that I simply don’t bother anymore.

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